Thursday, May 13, 2010

Healthy Drink??- Try Pineapple juice and seltzer water

I attended the Health Summit at Hostos Coomunity College last week and I was shocked by the amount of useful information I received. I got information on healthy vending options for my group, the campus group. The details of this is on the facebook Service Learning Page.
I also got information for the farmers market group and other general information that we all could use. For example, how many times do you consider the daily amount of salt that you consume? For one day, we should have approximately 1300mg of sodium. That means a snack that is 450mg of sodium is too high in salt!

Another interesting piece of information that I got was how to drink juice. Usually I just drink pure undiluted juice. But a healthier way to drink juice is to pour a small amount in a glass and then dilute with Seltzer water. At the summit, I tried a sample of Seltzer water and Pineapple juice and it was fantastic! It was refreshing and healthy at the same time and since summer is fast approaching, we need to have healthy and refreshing juice options.

Eventhough Seltzer water and juice is delicious and healthir than pure juice, the healthiest and most refreshing thing that one can drink is WATER. I am starting on this new challenge to drink water with every meal and if I do feel for juice sometime, I will dilute the juice with Seltzer water. Anyone wants to join the challenge?????


  1. I'm still curious as to why they choose seltzer water & not just plain there an added benefit from the seltzer water???? Does the fizzing/bubbles just add some sort of texture to the drinking experience??? Plz do share your opinion :)

  2. You sound so enthusiastic that I would love to join. But I already have a start start since my mother since forever has been giving me water with meals. But every now and then its juice. I will have to try the juice and seltzer water.

    And Chitra I think the seltzer water just gives it an interesting flavor in my opinion. It might be because of the carbon. I'll have to look that up. I'll get back to you on that.
