Sunday, February 20, 2011

America Achieves Top 10 Status, But It's Not Good

Author, Christina Pirello, really expressed her viewpoint on our recent milestone as a nation. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, America has the 7th highest rate of cancer in the world. Interestingly, we publish diet books like there's no tomorrow and invent weight loss programs to shed the pounds, yet we're still living unhealthy lives. We give into fast food campaigns and eat our way to an early grave. We need to make some lifestyle changes if we want to lower our risk of getting certain diseases [cancer, obesity..etc.].


1 comment:

  1. We definitely need to advocate this in our community. If we can say we have proof that America has the 7th highest rate of cancer in the world then I think more people will be able to make that healthy change in their life..
