Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Free Prostate Cancer Screening in Harlem


This is a link to an article from Harlemworld blog about free prostate screening in Harlem (near Mt. Sinai).  Prostate cancer doesn't always get the same amount of attention as breast and cervical cancer, so it's good to see that there are free screening sites and information for men also.  However, I wonder about linkage to care for diagnosed men, because they are probably even harder to reach and oftentimes, are less likely to follow-up with results and treatment.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This form of prostate screening seems very convenient because of the fact that it's just a simple blood test. I find it interesting that only 1 famous person had to be diagnosed with the disease in order to raise awareness when thousands of people have were being diagnosed all along.
