Tuesday, April 19, 2011

FDA is Addressing the Nutrition Labeling of Vending Items

How many of you can actually say you visibly see the nutrition label of items displayed in a vending machine??? Not many I assume......well there's hope, the FDA food labeling and standards staff will be leading a session next week regarding this issue. Under last year's healthcare reform, the disclosure of calories in food items being sold is mandated to be visible in all restaurants, fast food franchises AND even vending machines. I personally have yet to see any calories posted in clear view when I stare into a vending machine, but according to this article the FDA will be discussing the appropriate medium for communicating the message to consumers.

1 comment:

  1. They should have a touch screen on the vending machine, so that we can pick the food thats in there. But I am glad, it will make it much easier to pick healthier items.
