Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Top 10 Anti-Cancer Foods

Hello. Here is a list of the top 10 anti-cancer foods, which include tomatoes, blueberries, red cabbage/beats, spinach, garlic, whole wheat, oranges, strawberries, and beans. It would be nice to incorporate these foods in the different recipes. The article also explains why these foods are healthy and stop tumor development. For example, beets contain a rich amount of flavenoids, an antioxidant reasonable to retarding the growth of cancer cells. These ingredients can be found in any grocery store in Harlem and many recipes that are easy to make can be found that use these ingredients.


  1. This article is short and simple.I personally am not a big fan of seafood but this article has changed my mind to start eating a little more seafood.

    Below is a link on the importance of seafood and how to select it. It is adding information this article.

    This link below talks about the mercury level in fish and shells

    Check them out

  2. Hey Anaise. I can't don't see the link that connects mercury levels in fish. Can you try re-posting it?
