Saturday, October 16, 2010

List of Organizations to get Sustainability Ideas

I found a website which is dedicated to Times Square and deal with all the happenings that go on in that location. They also have a sustainability plan and in their website I found 3 resources out of the 4 named that we can contact to get ideas we can add or adjust to our current sustainability plan. They include:
1. Energy Incentive Resources- which runs "PlaNYC" (NYC's sustainability plan)

2. Sustainability Design Resource- which works with organizations like NYC Department of Design and Construction, and U.S Green Building Council.

3. Tips for Going Green Daily- Discusses prompting sustainability in a daily manner.

I've sent emails to PlaNYC and NYC Department of Environmental Conservation to get ideas on sustainability.

Also, I want to add PlaNYC is a student run website run at NYU's Furman center. But it is a city based public plan and is not affiliated with NYU's sustainability plan. It is run under Campaign for New York's Future.

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