Monday, February 28, 2011

Harlem Community Demographics

Hi All,

As you can see on the map, Harlem is made up of 3 districts: district 9, 10, and 11. I have a small question about these districts. Are we going to focus on all of them or just on District 9 (which is where City College is located)? Also under the map, I have posted links to all three district's community profile page on the website. I think knowing the demographics of our community is essential because it gives us a better understanding of several different factors. These demographics include infant mortality rate, birth and death rate, total population rate, and many other.

As an example of their importance I will argue that if we know the infant mortality rate, then we know how well that community is living. If the infant mortality rate is low than that means the community and its people are living with better health centers, good nutritional plans and a steady welfare opportunities (job availability). If the rate is high then that means the opposite for that community. For this reason and many others, it is important that we look into these demographics and gather all the relevant information that we need in order to start our community health service project as soon as possible...

Limit red meat to 500g a week to reduce cancer

I just came across this information regarding how much red meat we should consume to help reduce our risk of developing cancer. They even go into telling you that one stake would use up an individual's 2 day allowance. It reminds me of the recommended daily allowance we have for certain nutrients in our body. You often find one can of soup contains 80% of your RDA of sodium which makes it difficult to stay within one's limit. Just imagine how often we go over our recommended allowance per day when we eat sausages in the morning, a cheeseburger for lunch and maybe some ham for dinner.

Top 5 foods that fight cancer


Tonight (Monday, February 28), on FOX 5 news at 10:00pm, they are going to be discussing the top five cancer fighting foods. I'll watch, report and see if they put up any links that will be helpful.

The link is now up, so click, listen, and enjoy!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Carcinogens At Home

Hi everyone, this is an article that discusses about how a carcinogen can be found in many household products besides from artifical foods. I strongly suggests you to read this article and
locate your household sprays that you use and dispose them away. The article talks about how indoor pollutants can be more vulnerable then the outdoor pollutants and this could cause serious birth defects or mutations. I was astounded when I found out that aerosol actually has carcinogenic chemicals. Also, the daily products that we use such as deodrants cointain aluminium which a carcinogen.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Marijuana Chemical Improves Senses in Cancer Patients

Here's an article I came across which suggest marijuana as a means of improving chemosensory in patients with cancer. Interestingly, a synthetic form of THC [main ingredient in marijuana] can help improve chemosensory [taste & snell] perception in cancer patients. Although a small trail, 21 patients given Marinol reported an increase in taste sensation and smell regarding food when compared to the group of individuals given the placebo.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Folic acid: Doctors at odds over benefits, risks

Folic acid has been shown to decrease the risk of neural tube defects in newborn infants, but recent studies have shown evidence linking increase consumption of the vitamin B with the development or progression of some cancers. According to a US study in 2009, men who consumed a folic acid supplement over a ten year period showed a higher risk of developing prostate cancer when compared to those consuming the placebo. In addition, a study in Toronto showed rats that consumed high levels of folic acid could have offsprings with cancer. This is alarming news for expecting mothers because this could lead to more women deciding not to take the much needed supplement and puting their newborns at a higher risk of getting neural tube defects.

Harlem Health Promotion Center

Hi all,

I think this is a great organization that we could partner with and advocate the need for a healthier lifestyle. This is their mission:

"As an innovative and inclusive not-for-profit public health organization serving Harlem, HHPC aims to make use of community partnerships, communication and dissemination, training, evaluation, information technology, and infrastructure to improve the health and well-being of Harlem residents across a broad spectrum of health issues."

Also, as I was browsing their website, I came along a tab that read Harlem Health Statistics. When I clicked on the tab I found a list of health statistics on cancer, mental health, health demographics, etc. Unfortunately though, when I tried to click on these PDF's they would only open up with an error. So I really couldn't see the information that they had under these links. Other then that, if any of you know anything about this organization pleases let us know. I think it would be great to work with them and get more exposure out of our cause.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

America Achieves Top 10 Status, But It's Not Good

Author, Christina Pirello, really expressed her viewpoint on our recent milestone as a nation. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, America has the 7th highest rate of cancer in the world. Interestingly, we publish diet books like there's no tomorrow and invent weight loss programs to shed the pounds, yet we're still living unhealthy lives. We give into fast food campaigns and eat our way to an early grave. We need to make some lifestyle changes if we want to lower our risk of getting certain diseases [cancer, obesity..etc.].


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Soy and Cancer

Hey this is an article about the connection between soy and cancer. It is still uncertain how soy exactly affects cancer.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Group Calls Soda Color Cancerous

Hi Guys,

I found this article that talks about chemically induced artificial colorings in soda that can lead to cancer. Apparently to obtain the carmel color that are found in most popular brands of soda they use the chemical ammonia to give the soda its characteristic look. This chemical then breaks down to form cancer causing agents within the body. Groups like the NIH are petitioning the FDA to ban such nonessential products in our foods.

Also my friend also lent me the book " Eat This Not That" and in it it talked about what happens to our hamburger meat before it reaches our plates. Apparently the hamburger meat is passed through ammonia gas to disinfected it from bacteria like E-coli and its FDA approved. I just found that information interesting. It kind of makes me wonder about the other processes our food go through that we don't know about.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Link Between Diet and Cancer

Hi everyone. This is an easy to read website that discusses the link between diet and cancer. Iverson, author of "The Link Between Diet and Cancer" states that diets that contain a lot of fat increases the risk of developing breast, colon, and prostate cancer. She also writes of a guideline to follow to decrease risks of cancer, which include eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, high fiber foods, limiting fat intake and alcohol consumption, and becoming physically active and healthy.

Aysha Islam

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cancer on the Night Shift

Hi everyone!
I know this doesn't have anything to do with the link between food and cancer, but its an interesting article about how cancer may be more prevalent in night shift workers. Maybe the residents of the Harlem community are working more night shifts than another community so the incidence for colon cancer or breast cancer is higher.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cancer & Food Connection

Hello All,

I came across this website tailored to addressing the link between food and cancer. The author touches points on who is at risk, foods that cause cancer and cancer fighting foods.

P.S. Click on the title [Cancer & Food Connection] to get to the link

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cancer Fighting Foods and Spices

Hi guys,

I found this link about various fruits and vegetables that decrease the risks for certain cancers. This site goes into the biochemistry of what these fruits and vegetables do once ingested. For example uncooked carrots have alot of beta-carotene which reduces the risks of obtaining lung, breast, prostate, intestinal, stomach, throat, and mouth cancers. Carrots also contain another compound called farcarinol which have been shown to slow the growth rate of isolated cancer cells.

There are more fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, broccoli, cassava, grapefruit, nuts, and grapes that this site writes about.

Enjoy the reading!

Friday, February 11, 2011

An H.I.V Strategy Invites Addicts In

Hello Goodnight,

Hi everyone. I just found an interesting article about a new way to decrease HIV outbreaks. This new way was initiated in Vancouver, British Columbia and basically what it is that there is an 'insite' area where health care professionals watch drug addicts 'light up'. The area provides free clean needles, anti-retrovirals, and free HIV screenings. Not only that, if a drug addict was to over-dose in their presence they have the necessary equipment readily available to save their lives. Amazingly, according to the article noone has yet to die of a drug overdose since the program was implemented. And the rates of HIV have also decreased. And since in British Columbia there is free health care for all, and with the decreasing HIV rates, this program has lessened the cost of providing for health care for HIV positive people.

I hope you enjoy this article as much as I did.