Saturday, December 11, 2010

Helpful video on vending misers

To the class,
Here is a video link to vending misers, which give's us great information based on how much energy does it save and how it can installed and tested. Owen Larson, the owner of the vending miser company is speaking to his audience in this video. He can be contacted directly for more questions.

Sustainability group: This video can also be used as one the reference tools for proposal that you are preparing if you need more information on vending misers.

Climate Talks End With Modest Deal on Emissions

This article from the New York Times talks about how delegates at the UN climate change conference approved measures that need to be taken order to slow the emissions of greenhouse gases. An analysis done by NASA shows that 2010 has been the warmest year in the past 130 year period. The high temperatures were a result of man made climate change, and the natural warming of the Pacific Ocean. This year's extreme weather caused the floods in Pakistan and global bleaching of coral reefs.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Recycle Mania

I recently saw a facebook group for UPenn and they are participating in Recycle Mania. It's a 10 week competition in which schools participate to see which school recycles the most. Sadia had also mentioned this earlier this semester. Doing this in CCNY will create awareness of the fact that there are places to recycle at CCNY, since the Campus group has gotten more recycling bins for the school/cafeteria. Participating in this event would help CCNY reduce its footprint in terms of recycling at least. Also, it would help more people learn how to recycle at home, after they learned about it at school.
The competition starts at the end of January... and if we participate in it, we will be the first college in NYC to do so!

Carbon Offsets Daily News has brought to us finalized Carbon Dioxide rules

Our focus as a whole class this semester is to reduce carbon footprint on our CCNY Campus and the community in which it resides. Today's news from Carbon Offsets Daily inform us about the rules regarding carbon emission are released by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The rulings are passed to protect clean water to drink and to tract the greenhouse emissions in U.S.
More information about this can be found here by going to the link or clicking on the title above.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Metro had an article today on how "Global Carbon Emissions head for a record in 2010". The article states that CO2 emission will reach a new height, mostly due to the growing economies of China and India and their reliance on coal. In 2009 annual emissions dropped by 1.3% from 2008 as a result of the global financial crisis; while the CO2 emission of the US and Japan dropped by 6.9% and 11.8% respectively, the emissions of China and India increased. The article also states that emissions due to deforestation have decreased.

Every Monday is Healthy Monday at CCNY

If any one is interested there is a Healthy Monday event every week at CCNY outside NAC cafeteria. This event is supported by Health and Wellness center. It is great to learn about good nutrition, sleeping habits, physical activity, and emotional well being, which are all common in current college students. The event runs from 12-2pm every Monday and they also give out free giveaways. It is beneficial if you would like to learn more about your eating habits because they give you great facts on being healthy and wealthy!
Note: more information can be found via CCNY home page, and then going to events.

CCNY Campus Group Survey

Hello Everyone,
Attached here is a survey for our group. We printed 40 copies from Ms. Campbell's office and used it for our survey of what students think about recycling cans/bottles and motion sensor detectors in vending machines on campus. We did our surveying in Marshak Cafeteria and Nac Rotunda and we are still going through them to calculate results. So far surveys show positive results and i hope soon we can implement the importance of both projects on campus.
Note: please feel free to comment on what you think about it.

CCNY Service-learning in Health and Wellness

CCNY Campus Group Survey

Recycling project

Circle Yes or No

1) Do you recycle your bottles and cans every day?

Yes No

2) Do you think that CCNY NAC cafeteria should start recycling bottles and cans?

Yes No

3) Are you aware of recycling on our campus?

Yes No

4) Where do you prefer recycling bins to be placed on our campus?

Circle as many as you like

Cafeteria NAC Rotunda Faculty dining Hall Marshak Café

5) Do you know how much energy does recycling cans and bottles can save every year?

20% 80% 60%

6) Do you think our vending machines are energy efficient?

Yes No

7) Do you think vending machines should be installed with motion sensor detectors?

Yes No

8) How many times do you buy from vending machines every week?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

NYC Green Cart

I found a facebook page about the NYC Green Cart. This cart sells fresh fruits and vegetables and is funded by a grant from the Laurie M Tisch Illumination Fund. If we can't get a farmer's market we might be able to get a green cart on campus.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

"Ready-to-Grow" Kits for rooftop garden

I just found this website on ready-to-grow kit for rooftop gardens which seemed very interesting. It's a self watering container which comes with everything required to grow any types of produce. It has many for rooftop gardening such as:

* Recovery of household compost
* Up to 4 days of water autonomy
* Easy to move and to adapt
* Guaranteed good soil quality
* Affordability

Some very cool facts on Green Roofs

As I continue to work on our proposal, I am coming across quite a few interesting and in-depth pieces on the topic of green roofs. There is an article that I found will be very beneficial in improving our proposal.

Rooftop Garden NJIT

Though this is not a student run organization, it still goes to show the benefits of running a rooftop garden with fruits,vegetables etc. However, you can also notice the worries and issues some students may have with such a garden.

farmers market

hey everyone

i found this website by accident. this is some of the local farmers-market they have in nyc. there are various event that held in manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens or Staten Island. each market strives to be an anchor to their community providing not only fresh, locally-grown food, but it is convenient to find them. if possible maybe the farmers market group can invite them to participate in our campus.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Beginnings of Food Revolution (?)

I just came across a new article about how a biopharmaceutical company was taken to court on the basis of gene patents. A start of a revolution maybe?

The second link was what I dug about the relationship between the infamous Monsanto and the bio-pharm company in question: Myriad

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Hunter Garden Project

Hey Everyone :

I just found out that Hunter College is working on creating a garden as well. I liked the Hunter Garden Project on Facebook. I was skimming through their page and they are actually being offered help from different people and organizations for co-sponsorship and what not. I think it would be great to create our own FB group page for the rooftop garden, like Kiran said today not only will that create more awareness, but it works in getting help from others.

CUNY FoodFest 2010

I think this is a great event that we could attend:

At FoodFEST 2010, students will learn sustainable food consumption practices, engage in direct meaningful service, and be empowered to create grassroots food justice movements on their own campuses. Through creating art, cooking and eating delicious food, and networking with experts in the field of food justice and hunger, we hope to create a space for growth, community, and FUN.

WHEN: Sunday, November 14th 2-8PM
WHERE: Macaulay Honors College 35 W 67th Street

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New York-Connecticut Consortium Wins Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has granted $3.5 million to the New York- Connecticut metropolitan region. This was awarded on October 20th under Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant!!

This money will be used to design and integrate housing, economic decelopment, reduce congestion, as well as transportation and environmental planning in the metropolitan region. =)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fall & Winter Vegetable Planting Guide

Here is some more ideas on fall and winter vegetables which we can use on our garden if everything works out well.

winter plants

here are some of the winter plant list. if we do start plant in the cold we can also set up themes for our garden. we can have a christmas theme and have some decoration of our plants

Advice For Gardening

This website had some advice for gardening. since we are not going to plant directly to the roof, we can use some regular garden technique to set up our roof garden. the first and the most important part is to find and setting for our gardening. find a place where mostly exposed to sun and available on campus. we have to get permission for that location as soon as possible. second if we are going to start planting in this winter, we can use some plant that are resistance to the cold, for example: kale, everygreen,etc. (i will post another link for the plants).

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pocket Guide to Sustainability

Here is a great Pocket Guide to Sustainability.

It tells you the basics on how to live a sustainable lifestyle.

"Working together, We can make it happen!"

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

According to CCNY's sustainability plan, many steps are being taken in order to incorporate sustainability into the curriculum for students. Some of these actions include:

Fall 2011:
M.S in Earth Systems and Environmental Engineering :)!!!
Environmental Studies BA program

annual earth day celebrations

Other facts:

The waste cooking oil in the cafeteria is converted to bio-diesel.

CCNY was the first CUNY to replace the cars for public safety with hybrids. The shuttle buses use natural gas.

CCNY does not order from paper catalogs, instead ordering electronically, to eliminate that as a source of paper waste.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

List of Organizations to get Sustainability Ideas

I found a website which is dedicated to Times Square and deal with all the happenings that go on in that location. They also have a sustainability plan and in their website I found 3 resources out of the 4 named that we can contact to get ideas we can add or adjust to our current sustainability plan. They include:
1. Energy Incentive Resources- which runs "PlaNYC" (NYC's sustainability plan)

2. Sustainability Design Resource- which works with organizations like NYC Department of Design and Construction, and U.S Green Building Council.

3. Tips for Going Green Daily- Discusses prompting sustainability in a daily manner.

I've sent emails to PlaNYC and NYC Department of Environmental Conservation to get ideas on sustainability.

Also, I want to add PlaNYC is a student run website run at NYU's Furman center. But it is a city based public plan and is not affiliated with NYU's sustainability plan. It is run under Campaign for New York's Future.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Vladimir Lenin, King Tut and the McDonald's Happy Meal: What do they all have in common?

Since we are watching all these food videos all of us were disgusted by the food processing industries i thought u guys might like this article too. its about the Mickey D's hamburger in a Happy meal. The hamburger did not decompose even after 180 days. Mind you all the Mickey D's ham burger patties are made from 100% USDA ground beef!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

vending miser

hey, i'm not sure how much info everyone has about the vending miser, but i have this link to one site to give you all an idea of the impact it will have.

generally, it ranges between 150-200 dollars per unit, which is a small price to pay when it reduces energy consumption by nearly 50 percent.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Besides swapping out the plastic shopping bags for reusable bags in the bookstore as Maya suggested from the NYU sustainability plan, I think it would also be fairly easy to have the computer lab change the settings of the printers so that everything that is printed comes out double sided. And although it was very irritating in the summer to walk into a dimly lit Marshak, its actually worth it since there's not that many people that congregate on the street level, so dimming the lights there should become something that is regularly done during that time of the year.

City of Rockford Sustainability Plan

I found this article on rockford Sustainability Plan. It seems very interesting. Most importantly it seems like everything is clear and coherent for everyone to understand the main purpose of having a Sustainability Plan and ways to improve it to make a friendly environment.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

NYU sustainability and CCNY sustainability.

When I saw the projects that NYU is overtaking for sustainability it made me feel like our sustainability plan is relatively minor. They have made plans such as the sustainability task force (which means 60 members of the campus) have volunteered to asses current practices. They are also getting grants from 14 new projects. It would be awesome if we can make a fund raiser and get some grants ourselves.

They have also included other organizations within the campus to help them such as their Green Club and Environmental Science majors.

If you look through their website they also have included small and simple steps to their sustainability such as the book store has stopped using plastic bags and have changed to recyclable paper bags. In our bookstore we are still using plastic bags. I think we should make a change to that.

Waste Stream Survey & Recycling Pilot Project

So CCNY sustainability project is working on a new plan which involves taking a survey of waste stream of different buildings. All the data will be collected on quantities nad types of materials wasted in each building. Therefore allowing proper placement of disposables and recycling containers. on campus.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Monsanto in India

There are not only long term health effects due to Monsanto...

"cost–benefit analysis of extensive vegetated roof systems"

I found this article directly related to our Rooftop garden project. The study talks about the benefits, costs, and resources that are needed to create a rooftop garden.

More about GMOs

This is a site that shows more information and statistics about the dangers of genetically modified crops.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Nice Site About Rooftop Gardens

Before we hit the roof

In 2005-2006, UHC helped True Nature Foods, an organics cooperative and neighborhood recycling center, become more viable as an example of sustainable renovation for small commercial buildings.

A former automotive shop with uninsulated brick exterior and painted CMU interior walls built in the 1980’s when insulation was seen as unnecessary and excessive mechanical heating and cooling were the norm, True Nature Foods was intended as prototype green upfit on a shoestring-budget.

In late 2005, UHC helped with winterizing to make the cold months less extreme for this poorly insulated building. Future phases were to include other sustainable design strategies such as south-facing trellises with vines trained from the roof garden for shading during summer (anybody got any awning frames they aren’t using?), solar curtains for alternately rejecting and absorbing sunlight, vegetated thermal mass benches for moderation of temperature swings, custom-made solar heaters for collection of radiant energy, and exterior raised planters.

We still might do some of these, but money is always the issue.

The real focus, however, quickly became what customers wanted to buy more of - very fresh produce.
And how much fresher can you get than something grown and harvested from 16 feet away?
On the roof.

That’s right.

(Exerpted from

Monday, October 4, 2010

Interesting Rooftop Plants

Note: Must be using on campus in order to access this journal.

This is pretty interesting since the article talks of a way to maintain a garden with minimal maintenance. I do not know if our organic methodologies would go hand-in-hand with this, but its pretty cool nonetheless.

-Tauhid M.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

fancy design of some rooftop garden

I was looking at some of the design of the roof top garden, and i found this site. We might not be able do the same thing, but it's nice to see what other people came up with. there are few design in different area, and it is really pretty. just want to share this

Friday, October 1, 2010

Planting Seeds for Public Health

I found this as an interesting read, especially after watching the food documentary.
This article explains how the Farm Bill actually help farmers to produce and distribute healthy foods.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

fruit and veg

Basically, the amount of fruit and veg that americans have been eating is decreasing. i guess we already know that, but here's an article i found of the new york times.

Sustainable CUNY Newsletter

Among other news, one article talks about how CUNY is a good example of an institution with a sustainability plan; In a recent report to the governor, attention was drawn to CUNY's efforts in environmental awareness.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

stuff on school cafeteria foods

hey guys. this whole cafeteria project made me think of Jamie Oliver and his food revolution which he did in the UK and the US.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Red Hook Community Farm Harvest Festival

Hello Everyone,

I came across this great festival that will take place on Saturday, October 16 from 12-5:30pm, next to Red Hook Park.

This festival is a celebration of the urban agriculture and community farm. There will be a farmers market, where they locally grow produce and make hand-made products.

Therefore, I believe this will be a great way for us to network about our "Local Organic Produce Project", and also be able to receive some feedback on how to implement our idea on campus.

Plus, it's a free event, which includes free food.

I thought it would be a great event to plan for our group to visit.

Take care,
Bisma Sheikh

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Food Statistics

Hey Goodnight,

Hope that vacation is going great for everyone. I came across this great link showed that there are many more unhealthy places to dine compared to healthy places in Harlem.

Take a look at pages 5-8 to get the whole picture.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Nutritionist's blog

Check out this blog with a lot of helpful information on eating healthy !

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Guided Tour of Your Body


I just saw this compilation of articles on New York Times about things that happens to your body as you age. And for those future doctors, I think its a good read. And interesting too.

I was reading about what can happen to your feet as you age, beacuse I know doctors are on their feet all the time, and for me after an hour my feet start to ache. And the article was telling you what you can do to prevent this pain from becoming an chronic problem.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Exucses are the only things that prevents us from making a change

"You’re never too old, too large or too busy to make a change in your lifestyle.” says Paula Bruchhaus, the founder of thePrien Lake Elementary School Running Club. A club were students and herself continuously exercise improving the life of many kids and their families through healthier lifestyles.

To learn more about her inspiring story visit:

Healthy Drink??- Try Pineapple juice and seltzer water

I attended the Health Summit at Hostos Coomunity College last week and I was shocked by the amount of useful information I received. I got information on healthy vending options for my group, the campus group. The details of this is on the facebook Service Learning Page.
I also got information for the farmers market group and other general information that we all could use. For example, how many times do you consider the daily amount of salt that you consume? For one day, we should have approximately 1300mg of sodium. That means a snack that is 450mg of sodium is too high in salt!

Another interesting piece of information that I got was how to drink juice. Usually I just drink pure undiluted juice. But a healthier way to drink juice is to pour a small amount in a glass and then dilute with Seltzer water. At the summit, I tried a sample of Seltzer water and Pineapple juice and it was fantastic! It was refreshing and healthy at the same time and since summer is fast approaching, we need to have healthy and refreshing juice options.

Eventhough Seltzer water and juice is delicious and healthir than pure juice, the healthiest and most refreshing thing that one can drink is WATER. I am starting on this new challenge to drink water with every meal and if I do feel for juice sometime, I will dilute the juice with Seltzer water. Anyone wants to join the challenge?????

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bodega Group B Flier

Hello all, this is our bodega flier; hope everyone likes it.

Healthy Bodega Initiative Update Group B

This week was
of great
and basically our project was achieved, we are just hoping for it to be a great success in people buying the lunch. Today we printed out our posters and got the approved stamp and are already circulating around the campus. We also visited the bodega and placed the posters and got the first interview from a City College student who bought the special and was very pleased with was she was buying just for $4.50.

Hope everyone enjoys the special and make healthier food options!

Attempting to Eat Healthy on the Bodega Diet

So this is bascially letting people know that they can still eat a healthy meal using bodega products that are not fruits and vegetables. This is good for those bodegas that lack fruits and vegetables.

Gotham Gazette

Gotham Gazette

Posted using ShareThis

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mount Sinai Study Finds Strong Link Between Neighborhood Factors and Childhood Obesity in Harlem

A study at Mount Sinai Medical School found children in Harlem [specifically East Harlem] to be three times more likely to be overweight than other US children. Click on the title to read more about their findings.

Press for the Healthy Bodega Initiative

Great story in the NY Daily News about how to eat healthy at your local bodega.

Fliers for Bodega Group A

Here is one of the flier that we are planning to put up around campus to promote the healthy sandwich deals. Hope people like it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Farmers Market Now Green Market

I just wanted to comment that our flyers should now say " shop Green Market," rather than Farmers Market simply because the community board clearly stated that it would be a green market opening, and not a farmers market. Although the idea remains unchanged, I think it would be better to promote a green market just to avoid confusion.

Updates on our Healthy Bodega Group A

This week we confirmed the prcie for our healthy lunch options for each Bodega and created a flyer to hand out on campus, as well a flyer for posting in the Bodegas.

Campus Deli:
$5.00 which includes a grilled chicken wheat wrap, a piece of fruit and a bottle of water!!

Deli Grocery:
$3.25 which includes a grilled chicken sandwich on wheat bread as well as a bottle of water!!

If anyone has the chance please stop by either Bodega to order the lunch special in support of the project; the lunch meal flyer should be posted in Bodegas by next week. Enjoy!!

Recipes for Sauces included in our Earth Day festivities

We had Chef Margaret help us out in our recipes for Earth Day and here are ingredients/recipes for sauces, etc. Enjoy!! Also click on title link to be taken to our facebook page to view photos of the event.

Chipotle Mayonnaise


1 30-ounce jar Hellman's Mayonnaise(use light)
1 7-ounce can chipotle peppers in adobo sauce

Place chipotle peppers and adobe sauce in a blender or food processor and process until smooth.

Stir resulting chipotle pepper puree into mayonnaise according to taste.

For the sauce I brought to the demo, I used 1/4 cup of chipotle puree with 30 ounces of mayonnaise.

Tahini Sauce


1/2 cup tahini (sesame seed paste)
3 gloves garlic, crushed
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 teaspoon parsley, finely chopped (optional)

In a blender or food processor, combine garlic and tahini. Add kosher salt.

Remove from food processor and add olive oil and lemon juice. If too thick, add a teaspoon of warm water until desired consistency.

You can adjust the amounts of water and lemon juice to achieve the consistency and tartness you prefer.

Mix in parsely.

Confetti Collards
(with red and yellow bell pepper)
Serves 4-6

Visually, this is a very appealing dish. The ribbons of sautéed collard greens sprinkled with a finely diced confetti of yellow and red bell peppers is beautiful.

Because collard greens are thick, they take some time to cook. Cutting them into a chiffonade (very thin ribbons) allows them to cook faster and retain more of their nutrients and pretty green color. Also, the collards take up a lot of room in the pan. Depending on the size of your pan, you may need to cook them in batches.


3-4 tablespoons of olive oil
5 cloves garlic, minced
½ cup red bell pepper, finely diced.
½ cup yellow bell pepper, finely diced
1 pound of collard greens, cleaned, stems removed, sliced into thin strips (see instructions below)
1 cup water
The juice of one lemon, fresh squeezed
Salt, to taste
black pepper (preferably fresh ground), to taste

Add olive oil to a hot frying pan. Add garlic and a pinch of salt, and cook, stirring, over medium heat for a minute. Add collard greens and sautee until coated with oil and softening. Add water and stir until the water has evaporated. Add peppers and lemon juice and cook until liquid has evaporated.

To chiffonade collard greens: use a sharp knife to cut the stem out of each leaf. Don’t just cut the stem off at the base of the leaf, remove it from the bottom half of the leaf. Stack the leaves in a pile (5 or 6 per pile) and roll them up from the side. When you have a tight roll of leaves, take a sharp knife and cut the roll into very thin slices. When you unravel the roll, you will have thin ribbons of collard greens.

Bodega Group A Update

After contacting the bodega owners, we finally received the price list for the lunch specials from the two bodegas that are particpating in the Service Learning Project. Deli Grocery which is located at 1622 between 139th and 140th Streets will be offering a grilled chicken sandwich on whole wheat bread with a bottle of water for $3.25. Campus Deli located at 501W 139th Street will be serving a chicken wrap, a piece of fruit, and a bottle of water for $5.00. These lunch specials are extremely affordable and thus attractive so we hope to hear good things from the bodega owners once posters go up. We will actually be meeting in the next two days to discuss poster ideas to advertise the actual lunch specials. We will also be meeting this weekend (hopefully Saturday if the weather permits) to shoot our video. We plan to include short segments of us interviewing the bodega owners as well as random Harlem residents so that should be fun. Another productive week down, and only a few more to go until our celebration event!! We can't wait :)

Farmers Market Group Update

Today I attended the meeting with the Community Board No 9. It was very interesting, but the Good News is that hopefully next year we would have a Green Market at the Montifiore Park by the 1 train station. I think that this is a great location due to the high traffic of pedestrian that this area has, including students and residents. One of the members of the community board focused on the importance of letting the bodegas owners know that the green market would not open to take over the businesses around this area, but rather compliment what they have or don't have in their bodegas. Also she emphasized the lack of variety of foods in these bodegas for the diverse community. My suggestion is that the next class should still work on this project we have started, and try to better our results.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The good, the bad, the sugary

Studies show that those who have a high intake of processed sugars have a high concentration of LDL (the bad cholesterol). The reverse held affirmation in accordance to the studies. Sugar is highly consumed in the U.S. It's no wonder many suffer to high cholesterol.

Friday, April 30, 2010

New Health Initiatives Put Spotlight on Prevention

Hi Guys,

This New York Times Article states that congress approved a set of laws that will make it easy for people to try to prevent diseases and to help people people to get into healthy habits. Under this law the chain restuarants have to post their nutrition information on menus. This law also will enable nursing mothers to have "reasonable" lunch breaks.

Under the reform,health insurance comapanies will have to cover all recommended screenings, preventive care and vaccines, without charging co-payments or deductibles. Medicare beneficiares can get free annual physicals, which will cut their costs and make their quality of life more affordable. Even better news is that medicaid will cover drugs and counseling to help pregnant women to stop smoking. I think it just gets even better, because a new federal trust fund is going to pay for more bicycle paths, playgrounds, sidewalks, and hiking trails. This is being implemented so that people will be less sedentary and more active.

The overall hope for these reforms is to save lives. They feel that if people have more access to insurance that people will get screened for fatal diseases which will prevent premature death.

I feel that these reforms will help us and future generations. I want to be able to see some good come out of our government.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Our Vending Machine

After displaying our vending machine we asked everyone who passed by whether or not they would purchase buy from our healthy vending machine.
Out of the 33 votes
Yes: 32
No: 1

CCNY Campus Group Vending Food List!

  1. Chewy Nature Valley Granola Bars
  2. Nutrigrain Bars
  3. Fig Newtons ( they are fruit filling)
  4. Wheatables
  5. Balance Bars
  6. Kellogg Cereal Bars
  7. Nabisco 100 Calories Snacks
  8. Snackwell cookies
  9. Sunmaid Oatmeal Raisins cookies
  10. Sun Chips (all flavors)
  11. Veggie Chips ( all flavors)
  12. Multigrain Chips ( all flavors)
  13. Baked Chips ( all flavors)
  14. Sunflower seeds
  15. Unsalted Mix Nuts
  16. Unsalted peanuts
  17. Almonds
  18. Dole Real fruit cups (refrigerated)
  19. Fruit snacks
  20. Trail Mix
  21. Sunmaid raisins
  22. La Yogurt (refrigerated)
  23. Dried Fruits
  24. Baby Carrots (refrigerated)
  25. 100% Juices (refrigerated)
  26. Apple Juice (refrigerated)
  27. Orange Juice (refrigerated)
  28. Crystal Light drinks (refrigerated)
  29. Diet Snapples (refrigerated)
  30. Naked Drinks (refrigerated)
  31. Fusion Drinks (refrigerated)
  32. V8 drinks (refrigerated)
  33. Green Tea (refrigerated)
  34. Diet Lemonade (refrigerated)

If anyone has anything else to add feel free to comment it. This list is not set yet. We have to give the manager options to pick from because Im sure he will not take it all. Thanks again guys!!

NYC blogs picking up news of Bronx Food Summit

Just saw this post on Gothamist, a popular New York City blog. Sadly I can't attend, but it should be a great day - though not as great as our Earth Day event (!)

Bodega Update Group B

For the past week we also posted the flyers around the campus, unfortunately it seems like they are taking them off. Also today after class we went to the bodega, we gave them the flyer of our project and the best of all we finalized our lunch offer. Now this week we are moving on and making our flyer for the lunch special to post around the campus. Also our bodega is becoming healthier, they now have a salad bar and on warm days they have a person selling fresh fruit outside.

Bodega Group A update

We have posted our sings around campus - and they look great ! We are hopeful that all the buzz we created last week at the Earth Day event coupled with our posters will get CCNY students excited about our healthy lunch specials at nearby bodegas.

We are trying to finalize the healthy lunch special with both of our bodegas. We have the sandwich/wrap recipes from Margaret, our Earth Day chef and hope to have everything nailed down by next week.

We are also working on our movie presentation, and have a shoot planned for this weekend - Pauline met a young film maker who should be able to get some great shots. We want to interview bodega owners and capture their thoughts on healthy foods, our lunch special, and how they can get their customers to be more conscious about what they consume. We would also like to get the thoughts of some of those customers.

Finally, we have completed our surveys (41 in total) and will be analyzing them in the upcoming week. And even the bodega owners are excited to see the results - they have been asking about them.

Lets Make City College's Roof Tops Green!

Great summary of the Earth Day event Chitra! I wish that many other people were seeing this blog. I invited many people to take a look at the blog. Hopefully they would join soon. I hope that the bodegas’ group accomplishes their goal because that would be a very good step towards providing healthier foods to the students at City College and also the residents of this area. The farmers market is a though one, however I just got an idea from the food summit flyer that Olivia sent to us. If a farmers market is so difficult to bring into this area, why don’t we plant local crops on the roof tops of City College? Yes, it is a bit late to start this project now. However, I think that if the course is offer next semester, students should continue working in this issue and they can possibly use this idea to make a change. I think that planting on the rooftops of City College, is not impossible. Other people do it, why not City College? The vegetables that would be grown could be used in the cafeteria to provide a healthier menu. It can be run by the residents of Harlem, it can create jobs, and the college would be truly benefited. If you guys want to learn a bit more about planting on roof tops go to or

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day: Health & Wellness Promotion

Today was one of our biggest day for promoting our class projects. We were able to lure students and faculty members in with our free food & cooking demo. to educate them about our goals of combatting the obesity crisis by eating healthier in Harlem and on the CCNY campus. We got students to sample sandwiches, salads, juices, granola bars, yogurt and other food items while signing our petitions and surveys. We were able to purchase the sandwich and the salad ingredients right from the local bodegas and create an amazingly delicious and healthy sandwich and salad option people can make right at home. These same ingredients can also be bought at a local farmers markets [another goal of our class] in the event we get the support to bring one on campus or in the neighborhood. Also those yogurts, granola bars and juices that were sampled, can also be made available in our vending machines on campus. So forget that power cookie & support a healthy new outlook on food at City College!!!!!

Thought this Link would be helpful

Hey Guys i came across this website while doing the project for campus group and i know many of us have problems finding snacks to eat that are healthy and this website has ALOT of snacks...enjoy :-)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Health Reform to Deliver Calorie Counts to Chain Restaurant Menus Nationwide ~ Newsroom ~ News from CSPI ~ Center for Science in the Public Interest

Hey guys!! I just came across this article which tells about how chain restaurants are going to be required by law to display calorie labeling on their menus...pretty good news!! Health Reform to Deliver Calorie Counts to Chain Restaurant Menus Nationwide ~ Newsroom ~ News from CSPI ~ Center for Science in the Public Interest

The right steps will be taken...

This is an article I read on for U.S. limits urged for salt in processed foods...I think this is a great idea, something that is different in not adding a tax on sugary beverages that people will still consume, but rather going straight to the source: THE FOOD INDUSTRY..enjoy the article, I did.

The salt(sodium) definitely plays a role in many health risks, including obesity. Many people cannot change on their own due to it being in literally everything we consume that is processed. Our class discussed this topic in one of our first sessions of the semester, so it is nice to see it being publicized.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spread the Word

Hey guys,

Just encouraging our classmates to advertise the health fair whether it'd be on facebook, aim, or w/e. The same goes for Earth Day and for whatever future public events we may hold.



Update from Bodega Group A

We are continuing to make strides with our healthy sandwich campaign. Last weekend, we secured the list of ingredients that the bodegas will use in our sandwiches. The ingredients include:

Wheat bread
Egg white
Mustard (by choice)
Turkey Breast or Chicken (by choice of customer)

At 1622 Deli, our vegetarian option will include the same options, but with a vegetable patty instead of meat. We are working on the vegetarian option at Campus Deli.

We are continuing to survey bodega customers in our target area, and hope to have our sample completed by the end of this weekend. We are also beginning to post our fliers around school to generate interest and buzz among the students.

"The American people are the most diseased people in the world "

I heard about a documentary called " SICKO," by Michael Moore. Probably many of you guys know about it already, but just until recently I heard about it. It is a documentary that talks about the health care system in America. According to Moore, we have one of the worst health care systems in the world. Not because we ca not afford it, but because many are getting their benefits while many others are dying. I have not seen the documentary, but it seems very interesting. Maybe we should watch it all together in one of our classes before the semester is over. That's the link, just in case you guys want to read a bit about it.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Campus Group Survey is out

Here is the survey. What do you guys think? please comment on soon... Thank you.

CCNY Food Questionnaire

The following questionnaire was created by City College students to learn about your views on healthy eating and access to healthy foods. Your responses are important in bringing access to more healthy food choices to the community. Please do not write your name on the survey. All responses are anonymous.

1. Please check all that apply: ____ Student ____ Faculty ____ CCNY Staff

2. How often do you buy food from the following? (Please check one per row.)




2-3 times

a month


(Please specify.)

Campus Vending Machines

Campus Cafes

Campus Vending Machines

3. What types of foods do you normally purchase from campus vending machines?

4. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.


Strongly Disagree





Strongly Agree

I am satisfied with the food choices offered by campus vending machines.

The food choices campus vending machines offer are healthy.

5. Would you be more likely to purchase food from campus vending machines if they offered healthier options? ____ Yes ____ No

If yes, what healthy food choices would you like to see campus vending machines stock?

6. Would you like these vending machines to offer refrigerated food items? ____ Yes ____ No

If yes, what types of refrigerated items would you like to see stocked?

7. Where would you like to see more vending machines on campus?

Campus Cafes

8. What types of foods do you normally purchase from campus cafes?

9. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.


Strongly Disagree





Strongly Agree

I am satisfied with the food choices offered by campus cafes.

The food choices campus cafes offer are healthy.

10. Would you be more likely to purchase food from campus cafes if they offered healthier options?

____ Yes ____ No

If yes, what healthy food choices would you like to see campus cafes stock?

Campus Happenings

11. How did you hear about the Healthy Monday Campaign at CCNY? (Check all that apply.)

____ From a friend. ____ From a flyer or advertisement

____ From CCNY faculty or staff ____ Other (Please specify.) ____________

____ I have never heard of it.

12. Have you ever participated in the Healthy Monday Campaign at CCNY?

____Yes, as a provider. ____Yes, as an attendee. ____No, I have never participated.

Personal Interest

13. How often do you consider the healthy food choices you make?

____1 ____ 2 ____ 3 ____ 4 ____5

(Never) (Sometimes) (Always)

14. Would you be interested in attending free classes about food and nutrition? __Yes __No

15. Please check all of the topics below where you would be interested in learning more.

____ Calories ____ Healthy Snacking

____ Diabetes Management ____ Improving Health through Eating

____ Dietary Guidelines/Food Pyramids ____ Nutrition

____ Exercise/Physical Activity ____ Reading Food Labels

____ Fruits and Vegetables ____ Weight Control

____ Healthy Fat versus Unhealthy Fat ____ Other (Please specify.)________________

16. Do you shop at Whole Foods? ____ Yes ____ No

Please explain your response (e.g. health food options, location, affordability, etc.).

Thank you!