Friday, December 2, 2011

"John of God" You Should read about this man some said he can heal cancer and other diseases

Let me know what you think??????

João Teixeira de Faria, internationally known as John of God or João de Deus, is arguably the most powerful unconscious medium alive today and possibly the best-known healer of the past 2000 years. However, João is a humble man who is very clear about one thing: “I do not cure anybody. God heals, and in his infinite goodness permits the Entities to heal and console my brothers. I am merely an instrument in God’s divine hands.” – John of God. The medium Joao Teixeira has no formal medical training. Instead he gives over his consciousness and incorporates the spirits of past doctors and saints. These entities give talks, examine the waiting masses and conduct the visible and invisible operations.

It is estimated that he has treated, either directly or indirectly, up to 15 million people during the past 40 years.

We hope you enjoy our DVD about the healing process in the Casa de Dom Inacio de Loyola and that you use it to prepare for your travel and access the healing energy of the clinic.


  1. I think I heard about this guy. I would love to see this for myself, and for the sake of all the cancer patients he helped I hope it's real.

  2. Wow, this is interesting. He said he doesn't heal, God heals. This resonates with what Naturopathic Doctors believe. They believe that the body will heal itself once you out it in a condition where its healthy enough to do so.

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