Here is the survey. What do you guys think? please comment on soon... Thank you.
CCNY Food Questionnaire
The following questionnaire was created by City College students to learn about your views on healthy eating and access to healthy foods. Your responses are important in bringing access to more healthy food choices to the community. Please do not write your name on the survey. All responses are anonymous.
1. Please check all that apply: ____ Student ____ Faculty ____ CCNY Staff
2. How often do you buy food from the following? (Please check one per row.)
| Never | Daily | Weekly | 2-3 times a month | Other (Please specify.) |
Campus Vending Machines | | | | | |
Campus Cafes | | | | | |
Campus Vending Machines
3. What types of foods do you normally purchase from campus vending machines?
4. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.
| 1 Strongly Disagree | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Strongly Agree |
I am satisfied with the food choices offered by campus vending machines. | | | | | |
The food choices campus vending machines offer are healthy. | | | | | |
5. Would you be more likely to purchase food from campus vending machines if they offered healthier options? ____ Yes ____ No
If yes, what healthy food choices would you like to see campus vending machines stock?
6. Would you like these vending machines to offer refrigerated food items? ____ Yes ____ No
If yes, what types of refrigerated items would you like to see stocked?
7. Where would you like to see more vending machines on campus?
Campus Cafes
8. What types of foods do you normally purchase from campus cafes?
9. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.
| 1 Strongly Disagree | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Strongly Agree |
I am satisfied with the food choices offered by campus cafes. | | | | | |
The food choices campus cafes offer are healthy. | | | | | |
10. Would you be more likely to purchase food from campus cafes if they offered healthier options?
____ Yes ____ No
If yes, what healthy food choices would you like to see campus cafes stock?
Campus Happenings
11. How did you hear about the Healthy Monday Campaign at CCNY? (Check all that apply.)
____ From a friend. ____ From a flyer or advertisement
____ From CCNY faculty or staff ____ Other (Please specify.) ____________
____ I have never heard of it.
12. Have you ever participated in the Healthy Monday Campaign at CCNY?
____Yes, as a provider. ____Yes, as an attendee. ____No, I have never participated.
Personal Interest
13. How often do you consider the healthy food choices you make?
____1 ____ 2 ____ 3 ____ 4 ____5
(Never) (Sometimes) (Always)
14. Would you be interested in attending free classes about food and nutrition? __Yes __No
15. Please check all of the topics below where you would be interested in learning more.
____ Calories ____ Healthy Snacking
____ Diabetes Management ____ Improving Health through Eating
____ Dietary Guidelines/Food Pyramids ____ Nutrition
____ Exercise/Physical Activity ____ Reading Food Labels
____ Fruits and Vegetables ____ Weight Control
____ Healthy Fat versus Unhealthy Fat ____ Other (Please specify.)________________
16. Do you shop at Whole Foods? ____ Yes ____ No
Please explain your response (e.g. health food options, location, affordability, etc.).
Thank you!