Friday, April 30, 2010

New Health Initiatives Put Spotlight on Prevention

Hi Guys,

This New York Times Article states that congress approved a set of laws that will make it easy for people to try to prevent diseases and to help people people to get into healthy habits. Under this law the chain restuarants have to post their nutrition information on menus. This law also will enable nursing mothers to have "reasonable" lunch breaks.

Under the reform,health insurance comapanies will have to cover all recommended screenings, preventive care and vaccines, without charging co-payments or deductibles. Medicare beneficiares can get free annual physicals, which will cut their costs and make their quality of life more affordable. Even better news is that medicaid will cover drugs and counseling to help pregnant women to stop smoking. I think it just gets even better, because a new federal trust fund is going to pay for more bicycle paths, playgrounds, sidewalks, and hiking trails. This is being implemented so that people will be less sedentary and more active.

The overall hope for these reforms is to save lives. They feel that if people have more access to insurance that people will get screened for fatal diseases which will prevent premature death.

I feel that these reforms will help us and future generations. I want to be able to see some good come out of our government.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Our Vending Machine

After displaying our vending machine we asked everyone who passed by whether or not they would purchase buy from our healthy vending machine.
Out of the 33 votes
Yes: 32
No: 1

CCNY Campus Group Vending Food List!

  1. Chewy Nature Valley Granola Bars
  2. Nutrigrain Bars
  3. Fig Newtons ( they are fruit filling)
  4. Wheatables
  5. Balance Bars
  6. Kellogg Cereal Bars
  7. Nabisco 100 Calories Snacks
  8. Snackwell cookies
  9. Sunmaid Oatmeal Raisins cookies
  10. Sun Chips (all flavors)
  11. Veggie Chips ( all flavors)
  12. Multigrain Chips ( all flavors)
  13. Baked Chips ( all flavors)
  14. Sunflower seeds
  15. Unsalted Mix Nuts
  16. Unsalted peanuts
  17. Almonds
  18. Dole Real fruit cups (refrigerated)
  19. Fruit snacks
  20. Trail Mix
  21. Sunmaid raisins
  22. La Yogurt (refrigerated)
  23. Dried Fruits
  24. Baby Carrots (refrigerated)
  25. 100% Juices (refrigerated)
  26. Apple Juice (refrigerated)
  27. Orange Juice (refrigerated)
  28. Crystal Light drinks (refrigerated)
  29. Diet Snapples (refrigerated)
  30. Naked Drinks (refrigerated)
  31. Fusion Drinks (refrigerated)
  32. V8 drinks (refrigerated)
  33. Green Tea (refrigerated)
  34. Diet Lemonade (refrigerated)

If anyone has anything else to add feel free to comment it. This list is not set yet. We have to give the manager options to pick from because Im sure he will not take it all. Thanks again guys!!

NYC blogs picking up news of Bronx Food Summit

Just saw this post on Gothamist, a popular New York City blog. Sadly I can't attend, but it should be a great day - though not as great as our Earth Day event (!)

Bodega Update Group B

For the past week we also posted the flyers around the campus, unfortunately it seems like they are taking them off. Also today after class we went to the bodega, we gave them the flyer of our project and the best of all we finalized our lunch offer. Now this week we are moving on and making our flyer for the lunch special to post around the campus. Also our bodega is becoming healthier, they now have a salad bar and on warm days they have a person selling fresh fruit outside.

Bodega Group A update

We have posted our sings around campus - and they look great ! We are hopeful that all the buzz we created last week at the Earth Day event coupled with our posters will get CCNY students excited about our healthy lunch specials at nearby bodegas.

We are trying to finalize the healthy lunch special with both of our bodegas. We have the sandwich/wrap recipes from Margaret, our Earth Day chef and hope to have everything nailed down by next week.

We are also working on our movie presentation, and have a shoot planned for this weekend - Pauline met a young film maker who should be able to get some great shots. We want to interview bodega owners and capture their thoughts on healthy foods, our lunch special, and how they can get their customers to be more conscious about what they consume. We would also like to get the thoughts of some of those customers.

Finally, we have completed our surveys (41 in total) and will be analyzing them in the upcoming week. And even the bodega owners are excited to see the results - they have been asking about them.

Lets Make City College's Roof Tops Green!

Great summary of the Earth Day event Chitra! I wish that many other people were seeing this blog. I invited many people to take a look at the blog. Hopefully they would join soon. I hope that the bodegas’ group accomplishes their goal because that would be a very good step towards providing healthier foods to the students at City College and also the residents of this area. The farmers market is a though one, however I just got an idea from the food summit flyer that Olivia sent to us. If a farmers market is so difficult to bring into this area, why don’t we plant local crops on the roof tops of City College? Yes, it is a bit late to start this project now. However, I think that if the course is offer next semester, students should continue working in this issue and they can possibly use this idea to make a change. I think that planting on the rooftops of City College, is not impossible. Other people do it, why not City College? The vegetables that would be grown could be used in the cafeteria to provide a healthier menu. It can be run by the residents of Harlem, it can create jobs, and the college would be truly benefited. If you guys want to learn a bit more about planting on roof tops go to or

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day: Health & Wellness Promotion

Today was one of our biggest day for promoting our class projects. We were able to lure students and faculty members in with our free food & cooking demo. to educate them about our goals of combatting the obesity crisis by eating healthier in Harlem and on the CCNY campus. We got students to sample sandwiches, salads, juices, granola bars, yogurt and other food items while signing our petitions and surveys. We were able to purchase the sandwich and the salad ingredients right from the local bodegas and create an amazingly delicious and healthy sandwich and salad option people can make right at home. These same ingredients can also be bought at a local farmers markets [another goal of our class] in the event we get the support to bring one on campus or in the neighborhood. Also those yogurts, granola bars and juices that were sampled, can also be made available in our vending machines on campus. So forget that power cookie & support a healthy new outlook on food at City College!!!!!

Thought this Link would be helpful

Hey Guys i came across this website while doing the project for campus group and i know many of us have problems finding snacks to eat that are healthy and this website has ALOT of snacks...enjoy :-)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Health Reform to Deliver Calorie Counts to Chain Restaurant Menus Nationwide ~ Newsroom ~ News from CSPI ~ Center for Science in the Public Interest

Hey guys!! I just came across this article which tells about how chain restaurants are going to be required by law to display calorie labeling on their menus...pretty good news!! Health Reform to Deliver Calorie Counts to Chain Restaurant Menus Nationwide ~ Newsroom ~ News from CSPI ~ Center for Science in the Public Interest

The right steps will be taken...

This is an article I read on for U.S. limits urged for salt in processed foods...I think this is a great idea, something that is different in not adding a tax on sugary beverages that people will still consume, but rather going straight to the source: THE FOOD INDUSTRY..enjoy the article, I did.

The salt(sodium) definitely plays a role in many health risks, including obesity. Many people cannot change on their own due to it being in literally everything we consume that is processed. Our class discussed this topic in one of our first sessions of the semester, so it is nice to see it being publicized.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spread the Word

Hey guys,

Just encouraging our classmates to advertise the health fair whether it'd be on facebook, aim, or w/e. The same goes for Earth Day and for whatever future public events we may hold.



Update from Bodega Group A

We are continuing to make strides with our healthy sandwich campaign. Last weekend, we secured the list of ingredients that the bodegas will use in our sandwiches. The ingredients include:

Wheat bread
Egg white
Mustard (by choice)
Turkey Breast or Chicken (by choice of customer)

At 1622 Deli, our vegetarian option will include the same options, but with a vegetable patty instead of meat. We are working on the vegetarian option at Campus Deli.

We are continuing to survey bodega customers in our target area, and hope to have our sample completed by the end of this weekend. We are also beginning to post our fliers around school to generate interest and buzz among the students.

"The American people are the most diseased people in the world "

I heard about a documentary called " SICKO," by Michael Moore. Probably many of you guys know about it already, but just until recently I heard about it. It is a documentary that talks about the health care system in America. According to Moore, we have one of the worst health care systems in the world. Not because we ca not afford it, but because many are getting their benefits while many others are dying. I have not seen the documentary, but it seems very interesting. Maybe we should watch it all together in one of our classes before the semester is over. That's the link, just in case you guys want to read a bit about it.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Campus Group Survey is out

Here is the survey. What do you guys think? please comment on soon... Thank you.

CCNY Food Questionnaire

The following questionnaire was created by City College students to learn about your views on healthy eating and access to healthy foods. Your responses are important in bringing access to more healthy food choices to the community. Please do not write your name on the survey. All responses are anonymous.

1. Please check all that apply: ____ Student ____ Faculty ____ CCNY Staff

2. How often do you buy food from the following? (Please check one per row.)




2-3 times

a month


(Please specify.)

Campus Vending Machines

Campus Cafes

Campus Vending Machines

3. What types of foods do you normally purchase from campus vending machines?

4. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.


Strongly Disagree





Strongly Agree

I am satisfied with the food choices offered by campus vending machines.

The food choices campus vending machines offer are healthy.

5. Would you be more likely to purchase food from campus vending machines if they offered healthier options? ____ Yes ____ No

If yes, what healthy food choices would you like to see campus vending machines stock?

6. Would you like these vending machines to offer refrigerated food items? ____ Yes ____ No

If yes, what types of refrigerated items would you like to see stocked?

7. Where would you like to see more vending machines on campus?

Campus Cafes

8. What types of foods do you normally purchase from campus cafes?

9. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.


Strongly Disagree





Strongly Agree

I am satisfied with the food choices offered by campus cafes.

The food choices campus cafes offer are healthy.

10. Would you be more likely to purchase food from campus cafes if they offered healthier options?

____ Yes ____ No

If yes, what healthy food choices would you like to see campus cafes stock?

Campus Happenings

11. How did you hear about the Healthy Monday Campaign at CCNY? (Check all that apply.)

____ From a friend. ____ From a flyer or advertisement

____ From CCNY faculty or staff ____ Other (Please specify.) ____________

____ I have never heard of it.

12. Have you ever participated in the Healthy Monday Campaign at CCNY?

____Yes, as a provider. ____Yes, as an attendee. ____No, I have never participated.

Personal Interest

13. How often do you consider the healthy food choices you make?

____1 ____ 2 ____ 3 ____ 4 ____5

(Never) (Sometimes) (Always)

14. Would you be interested in attending free classes about food and nutrition? __Yes __No

15. Please check all of the topics below where you would be interested in learning more.

____ Calories ____ Healthy Snacking

____ Diabetes Management ____ Improving Health through Eating

____ Dietary Guidelines/Food Pyramids ____ Nutrition

____ Exercise/Physical Activity ____ Reading Food Labels

____ Fruits and Vegetables ____ Weight Control

____ Healthy Fat versus Unhealthy Fat ____ Other (Please specify.)________________

16. Do you shop at Whole Foods? ____ Yes ____ No

Please explain your response (e.g. health food options, location, affordability, etc.).

Thank you!

New Funding for Fresh Food

Great new proposal from NY Senator Kirsten Gillibrand to fund supermarkets in areas that have limited access to fresh foods. According to the AP: "Gillibrand said the measure would help about four million New York residents living in so-called food deserts by providing the funding for more than 350 stores statewide, many in low-income areas. Modeled on a similar program in Pennsylvania, the legislation would provide startup grants and loans in rural and urban areas to expand access to fresh food and to create jobs."

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Official Food, Inc. Movie Site - Hungry For Change? - Sign the Petition

Hey guys!! I was on the Food, Inc. movie website and stumbled upon's a petition for the Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act which will be delivered to Congress in July. The Child Nurtrition Act is a major federal legislation that determines school food policy and resources. The Act is reauthorized only once every five years, and is up for reauthorization this July. This is an important opportunity to shape the future of school food and so, if anyone is interested in supporting healthy food options in schools then just click on the link to sign the petition :) Official Food, Inc. Movie Site - Hungry For Change? - Sign the Petition

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Doctors reveals America’s biggest health epidemics

"The Doctors reveals America’s biggest health epidemics. Find out if you’re at risk. And, celebrity chef Jamie Oliver gives one unhealthy family a wake-up call and teaches you how to eat healthier." I recommend to watch today's episode 4-9-2010, it was very interesting and talked about obesity, what food kids are being serve in school and Jamie Oliver talks about his campaign to combat obesity.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

CUNY Campaign Against Diabetes

Diabetes Prevention / Freshman 15 Workshop Event open to Everyone (Students, Faculty & Staff)Join us to learn more about the importance of Proper Nutrition and making Healthy Food Choices in the cafeteria, Weight Management, Diabetes Awareness and Prevention and Exercise Options. !! FREE !! GiveawaysHealthy Food SamplesDiabetes Screenings andDiabetes Kits Sponsored by the Wellness & Counseling Center in conjunction with Heritage Health Care Center &CUNY Campaign Against Diabetes. Phone# 212-650-8222 DATE: April 8thTIME: 12:30pm – 1:30pmLOCATION: NA 0/201

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Update on Campus Group

As for our group, The Campus Group, we are going to give out surveys to student to know if they will be willing to buy healthy foods from the vending machines. We created surveys and emailed to Olivia and hopefully we will be able to give out the surveys questions by the end of the week. After we collect the data from the survey questions we will create a menu for the vending machine to show it to Joe, the cafeteria manager.
These are the some of the questions we have for our survey:
1. Do you like the snacks we have in our vending machines?
2. What types of snacks do you most often buy from the vending machines?
3. What types of snack would you like to see in the vending machines we have in Marshak and NAC Building?
4. Would you buy from the vending machines if we have refrigerated snacks like, yogurt, juice, milk and sandwiches and other little meals?

Mother Nature Hits Farmers Markets

Article in Metro New York showing that weather extremes are causing troubles for local farmers and their crops.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Famers Market Group Update

Hello everybody,

I believe our group has completed the surveys. It was a bit more difficult at least for me surveying people in the neighborhood. However, I the people that did take the survey were very interesting in having a farmers market close to their homes. Thursday with the help of Olivia and Jyoti we will analyzed the surveys. Now we are working on our flyers.

Department of Healths information on Sugar-sweetened beverages

This is a link that provides information on the topic of sugar-sweetened beverages and the impact it has towards obesity.

Due to these findings, How do you feel about sugar-sweetended bevarges being taxed?

I, myself have asked a few people in conversation lately, and have had mixed results. Out of 5 people I spoke to, none were obese, and only one of them was for the tax being implimented. I also asked those who oppose the tax, would they stop buying soda if it becomes taxed..all said, they would still continue to buy.

A response that caught my attention from someone while conversationg on the issue: "If they tax soda, then why do they not tax candy in the stores as well. They want to put a tax on everything."

It made me think a bit, why just soda? Why are they not going to tax candy, which Im sure has a lot of the same effects on obesity like soda? Im sure there is someone out there with the answer, I just did not have it to give at the time of the response stated.

I myself, do not drink soda, so to me I could careless, but in the same sense in regards to health, I do I see why they are trying to implement the tax, but if the majority still continue to drink it, how would it be helping health?

Food Inc. on PBS

Hey everyone!
I posted this up on facebook about a documentary called "Food Inc." that will be showing on PBS April, 21 2010.
The documentary unveils our nation's food industry and the truth behind the big corporations and government agencies that regulate the commodities we consume. I personally have not seen the documentary, but from the reviews and commentary it is worth watching. Click on the title and it will take you to the website for more information.