As you can see on the map, Harlem is made up of 3 districts: district 9, 10, and 11. I have a small question about these districts. Are we going to focus on all of them or just on District 9 (which is where City College is located)? Also under the map, I have posted links to all three district's community profile page on the website. I think knowing the demographics of our community is essential because it gives us a better understanding of several different factors. These demographics include infant mortality rate, birth and death rate, total population rate, and many other.
As an example of their importance I will argue that if we know the infant mortality rate, then we know how well that community is living. If the infant mortality rate is low than that means the community and its people are living with better health centers, good nutritional plans and a steady welfare opportunities (job availability). If the rate is high then that means the opposite for that community. For this reason and many others, it is important that we look into these demographics and gather all the relevant information that we need in order to start our community health service project as soon as possible...
District 9:
District 10:
District 11:
District 10:
District 11: