Friday, February 18, 2011

Group Calls Soda Color Cancerous

Hi Guys,

I found this article that talks about chemically induced artificial colorings in soda that can lead to cancer. Apparently to obtain the carmel color that are found in most popular brands of soda they use the chemical ammonia to give the soda its characteristic look. This chemical then breaks down to form cancer causing agents within the body. Groups like the NIH are petitioning the FDA to ban such nonessential products in our foods.

Also my friend also lent me the book " Eat This Not That" and in it it talked about what happens to our hamburger meat before it reaches our plates. Apparently the hamburger meat is passed through ammonia gas to disinfected it from bacteria like E-coli and its FDA approved. I just found that information interesting. It kind of makes me wonder about the other processes our food go through that we don't know about.


  1. Thanks! this is so interesting because honestly I did not know about the chemical ammonia. I think this would be an excellent source of background information that we could use to get our community to reduce their consumption of soda. Also with this, I have another question in mind. How are other drinks like juices and flavored water any different? Who's not to say that these juice companies also go through a "coloring" process.

  2. This is like chicken nuggets. They soak it in ammonia.
