Monday, March 28, 2011

Meatless Monday Recipes

Good Afternoon Guys,

I don't know if any of you know this, but the guest speaker coming this Thursday is also part of the Healthy Monday campaign here at City College. There are many other campuses around the country who are getting into the Healthy Monday Campaign.

One of the aspects of the Healthy Monday Campaign is to not eat meat on Mondays. So we are vegetarians once a week. On their website are a multitude of vegetarian meals that could be used in the recipe section. They include breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. I like that the recipes use alot of food and vegetables.Plus I feel like they try to include cultural diversity within their meals.

I hope you guys enjoy the recipes!!!


1 comment:

  1. I actually stopped by the Healthy Monday table this week. They informed me about the proper portion sizes I can use during the three meals. They also said to eat less, but more frequently. This way my body is able to burn off what I just ate. If someone eats more than he/she can burn, their body will store the extra energy as fat. Fat is a lot harder to burn off and most people do not get appropriate amounts of exercise, which leads to obesity.
