Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Advice for Recipe Group

Alana has posted a list of healthy alternatives that the recipe group can use to select recipes for the health guide. A technique the recipe group can use to present the different recipes involves utilizing the plate method. For example, the recipe group can place a picture of the plate in the center of the page, letting the public to know about the appropriate portion sizes. Different vegetable, carbohydrate, and meat recipes can be added around the page which correspond to the different sections of the plate. Also, you can easily mention substitutes. This may be a more convenient method to present different recipes in healthy portions.

1 comment:

  1. I like that idea. I feel like we won't be reinventing the wheel if they did that. We can just say you can have a well seasoned(with local herbs)baked chicken for protein. For carbs they can have whole wheat rice or home make sweet potato fries. And for half a plate of veggies, they can make their own salads (using the recommendations that I posted on blogger a while back) and have some warm collard greens.

    For dessert a small slice of angel food cake.
