Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Journal Entries 1

For the students in Sci31300

I've read all the journal entries, and some of you wrote some meaningful stuff!! Most of these seem to be written for the heck of writing??? If this is the case, we will need to put some template sorta thing to customize the proportions of journal writing.

In short, I want you guys to think about the issues, and evaluate your outlooks. Many of you also asked questions regarding the content of the journals. So lets start discussing as of now. Ask me questions through this blog-post exclusive of journal entries' discussions. In your comments tell me what would make a weekly journal meaningful?? everybody needs to contribute SOMETHING!

The people who were late for the submissions, I'm letting you guys get the journal grade this time since its essentially just the beginning of the course. From next week, don't bother to submit the journal if you can't do so by tuesday night. Its for your own good, as I need to read them all and comment. Otherwise, we are wasting each other's time.

OK now start blogging.


  1. you said in class that we should write how we feel and what we i guess whatever topic we decide to focus on this semester as we learn more about it we can write a journal entry on what we learn and our perspective on the topic

  2. Yes, I just read your submission. You were right on point with the health issue :)
    But also try to incorporate weekly lectures into your journal. This will make us understand the connections better, and improvise the way we go about this class. For example, in your chosen health issue, you could have mentioned something about the campaign and how do you think a public health intervention can help you and many other in similar situations. This makes is more concise!! I'm looking for your thought process's evolution through this class...

  3. I think in order to make a weekly journal more interesting I should not only connect to the the topic emotionally but also to include the current state that the topic is in, in order to see how much progress it has made.

  4. I think a way to make the journals meaningful would be to use the information attained in the lecture and to expand on it/build off of it. Probably by making ties with situations in our own communities and giving support to how detrimental these sitations are to the overall community health.

  5. I agree with Jen with regards to having an emotional connection with the topics we discuss in our journals. In addition, we should not just state the issue and how we feel about it, but also try to implement a solution or a means of overcoming the problem. Also, with respect to making connections to our class discussions & lectures, we should try to use current examples in the news in addition to what Stefanie S. stated about our own communities.

  6. I think I was one of those who just enjoyed writing the blog and getting my opinions heard. As for the limit, I'm not sure what to say. I do agree with others that we should write about topics were passionate about. We should also put some of our personality into the blogs to make it more fun to learn about new ideas from our peers.

  7. I agree with most of you that we just need to write for fun and zeal to write that makes the point across so effortlessly. I mean everyone is going to have their personality to their journal entries. And i would just like to make a distinction between the blog and the journal.

    In blog, you are talking to an audience, where of course you need to realize "who your audience are". And in journal entry, its your recollection of events/incidences, where the reader learns about you and your perspectives. As you start writing more journals and blogs, you will differentiate between them more narrowly.

  8. guess I am a little late with this component. I am not much of a blogger, but since it is required by this class, I will try to contribute what I for journal entries, it should be just that..not a diary, but you talking to the journal, your thought/reflections on the days lecture..a record..a lot of what most others said. :)
