Sunday, February 14, 2010

Take Care New York: Building a Healthier Harlem @ CITY

Just thought I would let all those interested to know that this is an event taking place:

Date: 2/17

Time: 6:00pm

About: Dr. Thomas Farley, New York City Commisioner of Health, will discuss the City's plan to build healthier communities.

There is a reception to follow.

Admission: FREE
Reception to Follow

RSVP to: 212-650-7799 or email:


  1. I think it's really cool that this event is taking place at City College. Especially when we are trying to do the same as well!

  2. Oh my goshhh.. Thanks Pauline!

    This is just great. Can you tell us where is it taking place at CCNY. Is it in the auditorium??

    Guys this will be a golden opportunity to ask the commissioner some questions regarding your project. I think we should make a list of extremely important questions relevant to our project idea and ask him during Q&A. We can use the info to include in our HW 3 as well. I can't believe this is such a huge coincidence, and we ought to exploit it;)


  3. I agree I want to be there...where is going to be?
